*Wrested Scriptures
Abiding The Abiding - I (we) will come.
Acts of Jesus by the Spirit through the Apostles
AD 70
Advocate: Christ's teaching This abiding was not the possession of the Spirit
Advocate: translation of parakletos The Promise of the Parakletos (John 14-16)
Advocate, pronouncement, and justification of the rendering
Agape is superior
Alleged cures by 'faith healers'
Angel of the Presence
Angels and Providence "PROVIDENCE" AND ANGELS
Angels in Acts
Angels in the Revelation In the prophetic visions of the Revelation
Angels in the lives of faithful
Apostasy Unveiled by Bro. Thomas
Apostate definitions cloud the issue
Apostolic Commands
Apostolic Practice
Authority to Speak
Baptism of the Spirit
Bapto - 2
BASF vs. 'Present possession'
Being born again
Binding and loosing
Birth of the Spirit and explain the birth of the Spirit?
Blindness Ananias healed Saul's blindness
Calling - how God calls
Canon of Scripture looking into the burnished mirror (James 1:23-24).
Charismatic movement which clearly shows that those who claim the same charismata
Cherubim Also before the throne were CHERUBIM
Christian prophets
Churches and false doctrine
Comforter: see Advocate
Commandments concerning women
Commandments concerning women
Context: importance of
Conversion: when?
Cornelius received it before baptism
Cornelius Repentance was not planted directly in the brain of Cornelius
Cornelius, thy prayer is heard (31)
Cornelius was "a devout man and one that feared God...
Critical Review of Robin Jones' two videos
Discerning of Spirits
Discipline (ecclesial) proving the condemnation was divinely administered
Divine assistance
Divine intervention
Doctrinal bias in translation
Edification - 2
Emotionalism is not getting Spirit
Enlightenment - 2
Epochs of outpourings - 2
'Faith' healing
Faith and justification
Faith - apostate definition
False prophecies
Figures of speech - 2
Filled with Holy Spirit
Foreknowledge (of God) Elect according to the foreknowledge of God
Foretaste of the future
Fraudulent claims in first century
Freewill and the Spirit
Fullness, definition of term Grk. pleroma. This is a derivative of pleroo
Fulness in Colossians The interpretation applied to Ephesians re Paul's use of "filling" and "fulness"
Fulness in Ephesians and knowledge so that they could reflect the fulness of God
Fulness in John's Gospel The words "fulness" and "grace" never appear elsewhere in the writings of John
Genitive case - 2
Gift of discerning of spirits
Gift of discerning of spirits
Gift of exhortation who had the gift of exhortation (1 Cor. 14:3)
Gift of faith
Gifts of healings
Gift of interpretation
Gift of interpretation
Gift of knowledge
Gift of miracles
Gift of prophecy
Gift of prophecy
Gift of tongues
Gift of wisdom
Gifts a sign
Gifts - classification
Gifts - control of
Gifts - different measures given
Gifts - epochs
Gifts - evidence of decline
Gifts - latter day
Gifts - modern claims
Gifts - non-Biblical evidence
Gifts - possessed
Gifts - purpose fulfilled
Gifts - a tabular comparison
Gifts always miraculous
Gifts imitated
Gifts misused
Gifts not available today
Gifts of the Spirit
Gifts useless without fruits
Gifts would cease-Paul
God Christ Man Woman
God is Corporeal
God is working through men
God Manifestation - 2
God today continues His work indirectly through providence.
God's Headship Principle
God's Spirit in every believer
Grace - 2 - 3
'Great and terrible day of the Lord'
Greek ideas on the nature of God
Guidance & prayer - 2 - 3
Guidelines to understanding Spirit Passages
Head = source or origin? No!
Head of every man is Christ
Head of woman is man
Hendiadys that the figure hendiadys
Holy Spirit: and the Word of God
Holy Spirit: Christadelphian teaching
Holy Spirit: 'Church' teaching
Holy Spirit: definition of terms
Holy Spirit: fellowship of
Holy Spirit: gift see Holy Spirit - gifts
Holy Spirit: guidance
Holy Spirit: in Acts
Holy Spirit: in Joel
Holy Spirit: in Romans
Holy Spirit: latter day outpouring
Holy Spirit: personification
Holy Spirit: possession
Holy Spirit: promise
Holy Spirit: See also Advocate, baptism in spirit, Birth of the Spirit, 'Fulness', Inspiration, mind of the Spirit, Miracles, Spirit of Truth, Visions
Holy Spirit a power manifested
Holy Spirit Gifts
Holy Spirit often means 'life in Christ'
If we are going to expound the Scriptures accurately
Inter-ecclesial offices
Joel's promise and Acts
kephalē -- What readers aren't told
Knowledge & Parakletos
Last days
Laying on of hands
Letter vs. Spirit
Logos - the spoken word
Male & Female Created He Them
Male disciples for future rulership of the world
Male disciples as managers of ecclesia
Male headship not for domination
Man & Woman A Study of Biblical Roles
Man is head of woman
Men are regarded as the heads of families in both Testaments
Men chosen by God to be teachers to mixed gatherings in both OT & NT
Men were chosen by God as leaders in OT & NT
Men were inspired by God to write OT & NT
Methods of imparting the Spirit gifts
Mind of the Spirit
Minority views
Miracles affecting nature
Miracles of deliverance
Miracles of judgement
Miracles of Supply
Misunderstanding evident
More excellent way
NEB errors in translation on subject
New Testament background
New Testament (growth of) see canon
Oil for anointing
O.T. the basis of interpretation
Outpouring limited and special
Pagan philosophy
Parakletos - 2 - 3
Pentecost of the Gentiles
Pentecostal practices today
Permanence of agape contrasted with temporary design of gifts
Platonism the source of false theories on the Spirit - 2
Pointing the bone
Pool of Siloam
Possessions in the heathen world
Possession of Holy Spirit not an aid to overcome sin
Power that the word has to change our mind and in providential guidance
Prayer Associated with this prophecy in Micah 3
Prayer for the Holy Spirit
Presbytery (Acts 8:18; 19:6; 2 Tim. 1:6). The presbytery (1 Tim. 4:14) probably
Prevenient grace: The doctrine of
Promise of the Spirit
Prophecy Associated with this prophecy in Micah 3
Prophecy - the range of gift
Prophets: Christian
Prophets: Old Testament prophecy, many Messianic Psalms
Providence - 2
Providence Perhaps the key to most of the misunderstanding is the fact that "providential control"
Purpose of Spirit gifts
Reason for claiming spirit
Refutation of the booklet "all one in Christ Jesus
Regeneration by 'grace' or the gospel?
Relationships within the Marriage State
Role of Sisters handout 1992
Salvation depends on reading word
Sanctification through God's word
Satan: I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan
Satan It seems clear that this woman had been "bound" by sin
Scriptures are able to make us wise to salvation
Scriptures are not a dead letter
Sequence of Paul's letter to the Corinthians
Sin & Plato
Sister's role
Sister's role
Sisters, Practical Principles for
Snake handling & Pentecostals
Sovereignty (of Christ) simplification and limitation on his sovereignty
Speaking mysteries condemned
Spirit active today
Spirit and Holy Spirit
Spirit as a theme
Spirit - complexity of subject
Spirit - filthiness of!
Spirit-baptism: see Baptism of the Spirit
Spirit-gifts: control
Spirit-gifts: distribution
Spirit-gifts: effect on believers
Spirit-gifts: personal responsibility for
Spirit-gifts: transmission of
Spirit-gifts: withdrawn
Spirit - word study
Spirit does not aid understanding
Spirit has 18 separate meanings in English
Spirit in future operations
Spirit of truth
Spirit in the Ecclesia today
Spirit not an inwardly sanctifying influence - 2
Spirit not for personal benefit
Spirit not the source of instruction
Spirit we must possess
Tongues - background
Tongues - examples
Tongues - facts
Tongues interpretation of
Tongues - modern analyzed
Tongues - objections
Tongues - objections answered
Tongues - Pentecostal
'Tongues' in non-christians
Tongues were to cease
Translations & doctrinal bias
Variation of expression
Verbal inspiration
Vision to Cornelius
Water of Life
Ways of Providence
Ways of Providence
Ways of Providence God today continues His work indirectly through providence
Women should not teach or lead the congregation in prayer
Women speaking in ecclesia
Women to keep silent in ecclesia
Word studies - Gift
Word studies - Holy