This general exposition has as its aim the positive exegesis of the word Spirit (and related subjects) as used in the New Testament1. This subject has long been neglected, with the result that there is a great deal of misunderstanding evident in the Brotherhood today. It is hoped that this treatise will remove some of the haze so that we can manifest together the fruits of the Spirit rather than the "spirit of man".
There are basically two2 current views on this subject in the Brotherhood, which is sad, because there should only be one - the first:
- The Holy Spirit power of God has been poured out in the past (and will be in the future) in certain epochs for
specific purposes. Those who received this power manifested it in various ways, depending on which miraculous gift they
had received. When the purpose was completed the gifts ceased. Thus today, no mortal has the Holy Spirit power as we are
between epochs.
God's power, however, is still active in the ministering Spirits who are sent forth to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation. In addition to this we, of course, have the complete revelation of God revealed by His Spirit. This is the only source of revelation today. If we read and obey this, then it will produce understanding, repentance, faith and the hope of salvation.
- The Holy Spirit directly causes faith, hope, righteousness and joy to all those who ask for and receive this grace. This was and is the real purpose of the Spirit. The miraculous gifts were only a small part of the first century outpoural and possibly ceased at the end of that period. All true Christians must receive or possess this non-miraculous Spirit to understand the word of God, and to be saved.
The first view has recently been shown to be both the Biblical and traditional3 one in an amazing series by Brethren Whittaker and Carr in the Testimony magazine for 1973-1975.4
Every reference and argument that is advanced in an attempt to support the second view has been carefully considered in this treatise. The reader is asked to carefully (and without bias) consider the evidence against that view. In keeping with the positive aim of this book, the source of those theories has not been given, but is available upon request.
This is a difficult and a complex subject, therefore any criticisms or suggestions would be appreciated. May these notes help to develop the Spirit of Christ in us that we may become Spirit beings in that day soon to dawn.
Aleck Crawford
"Salvation depends upon the assimilation of the mind to the divine ideas, principles, and affections exhibited in the Scriptures. This process commences with a belief of the gospel, but is by no means completed thereby; it takes a lifetime for its scope, and untiring diligence for its accomplishment. The mind is naturally alien from God and all His ideas (Rom. 8:7; 1 Cor. 2:14), and cannot be brought at once to the Divine likeness. This is a work of slow development, and can only be achieved by the industrious application of the individual to the means which God has given for this purpose, viz., the expression of His mind in the Scriptures of Truth; Spiritualmindedness, or the state of mind in accordance with the mind of the Spirit as displayed in these writings can only grow within a man by daily intercourse with that mind, there unfolded."
Brother Robert Roberts
Bible Companion
1 See however Section F - "Word Studies - Spirit".
2 Some other views are held by small minorities. These are explained at the verses used by these groups. (See Wrested Passages Index).
3 The reader is referred to "Faith in the Last Days" by Bro. Thomas.
4 Subsequently published as 'SPIRIT' in the New Testament, TEST,