Exposition of The Spirit in Jude
Jude 19,20 |
- Jude 19,20
- "These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit1. But ye, beloved... praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God."
- This is yet another verse that is used to "demonstrate that we must have the Spirit".
- The words Spirit in verse 19 and Holy Spirit in verse 20 are without the definite article in Greek. It's absence here would seem to make it possible to read verse 20 as "a holy spirit2" (for a spirit of holiness) - a spirit (mind) moulded by Divine teaching and influence in contrast to the spirit of the flesh.
- This explanation is in accord with the context and conveys the meaning.
- "Spirit" then stands for "the mind of God" which when it is received in faith, changes the outlook and
disposition of men from the natural to the spiritual. That mind is communicated to us only in two ways.
- by assimilating the Word of God.
- by responding to providential guidance in life.
- These words should not lead anyone to think he must have the Holy Spirit before he can pray. The following
reasons demonstrate why:
- The Spirit is not available today, and
- The example of the Samaritans and Cornelius prove otherwise3.
- We must pray according to the knowledge we have received from the study of God's Word, which Word was given by the Holy Spirit in the form of revelation to the Prophets and Apostles.
1 NEB has "they are themselves wholly unspiritual". TCNT has "animal and unspiritual".
2 The Companion Bible makes this distinction '= holy spirit, and is so printed in CB. This usage (without
articles) occurs 52 times in the N.T. and is always wrongly rendered "the Holy Spirit".'
3 cf. point 1 on Eph. 2:18.