Christadelphian Bible Correspondence Course

Welcome to the on-line Bible Correspondence Course offered by the Christadelphians. This nine-lesson course will progressively lead the reader to a deeper understanding of God's Word and His plan and purpose with His creation.

If you have not yet registered for the course, please do so by clicking here.

When you register, we will supply you with your student number and activate your access to the first lesson. When you complete the quiz at the end of the lesson and electronically submit your answers, we will activate your access to the next few lessons. We need to do this to filter out online robots and those with ill intent.

If you already have your student number, enter it below and press "Continue...". The lessons you can access will be shown in green.

We will be happy to answer any questions you have; just write to us.


Student Number:        

Lesson #1: The Miracle of the Bible
Lesson #2: Getting to Know God
Lesson #3: Israel - God's People, God's Land
Lesson #4: Your Share in God's Promises
Lesson #5: After Death - What?
Lesson #6: The Cross of Christ
Lesson #7: The Kingdom of God on Earth
Lesson #8: Why Baptism Really Matters
Lesson #9: Who are the Christadelphians


If you have any comments or suggestions, please email the site administrator.