Key To The Understanding Of The Scriptures


THE BIBLE: What It Is And What It Teaches

The Bible is pre-eminently the Book for today. Its prophecies clearly reveal that God guides the destiny of nations, that the great crisis of Armageddon is rapidly approaching, and what its aftermath will reveal.

But more than that, it is the Book of Life. It sets forth the true nature of man, shows that he is afflicted by the grim disease of mortality, and reveals what he must do to overcome it and attain unto eternal life. It points the way towards more abundant living now and immortality in the age to come, for godliness has "promise of the life that now is, and that which is to come" (1 Tim. 4:8).

To the Bible then let us turn, as to "a light shining in a dark place", and, with humility, teachableness, and independence of mind, let us diligently enquire into the things which it reveals for the obedience and confirmation of faith. The object before us will be, to present such a connected view of this truthful and wonderful book as will open the reader's eyes, and enable him to understand it, and expound it to others, that he may become "a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth"; and be able intelligently to "contend for the faith."

We trust that in so doing it will be the reader's lot to receive as much pleasure and profit as it has been our lot to obtain.

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