Chronikon Hebraikon - The World's Age Scriptually Demonstrated
Eighth Period - From the Beginning of Daniel's Seventy Weeks to the Crucifixion of Messiah.
Embraces 490 Years
A.M. | Names and Events | Reference | B.C. |
3633 3662 3681 3724 3747 3749 3755 3762 3774 3805 3824 3839 3859 3862 3898 3910 3919 3922 3924 3936 3941 3959 3963 3990 3994 4018 4022 4024 4048 4050 4089 4116 4120 4123 |
The beginning of Daniel's Seventy weeks in the 20th of Artaxerxes Rest of the reign of Artaxerxes from his second decree Xerxes II., and after him Sogdianus, 8 months Darius Nothus Artaxerxes Mnemon Artaxerxes Ochus Arses Darius Codomanus, the last king of the Silver Dunasty of Nebuchadnezzar's Image Alexander of Macedon, the notable horn of the Goat, and first of the Brazen Dynasty of the same Image, dies at Babylon after Darius To the Era of the Seleucidae, termed "the Era of the Greeks" Selsucus Nicator reigns from this Era Antiochus Soter Antiochus Theos Seleuchus Callinicus Seleucus Ceranus Antiochus "the Great" Seleucus Philopator Antiochus Epiphanes; in the 9th uyear of his reign, Judas Maccabeus is appointed by Mattathias to the government of Judea, now in full insurrection against the Greeks. The Era of the Asmoneans begins Antiochus dies a most miserable death three years after Judas Maccabeus is appointed chief of the Insurrection, in the 149th of "the Kingdom of the Greeks" Antichus Eupator Demetrius Soter Judas slain in this reign; the Roman Senate forms a league with the Jews; Ezekiel's 430 years of retribution end, B.C. 161, eight years before Demetrius Soter's death. Israel "holpen with a little help" Alexander Bala Demetrius Nicator Alex. Zebina, Cleopatra, and Seleucus V. Antiochus Grypus Seleucus Antiochus Eusebes Antiochus Asiaticus, the last King of the North-Horn Dynasty of the Goat, in the 4th of Aristobulus II, King of Judea, dethroned by Pompey Aristobulus II, having reigned six years, dies two years after Hyrcanus II, King of Judea, reigns Antigonus Herod the Idumaean Jesus of Nazareth asking question of the doctors, aged 12 The "seven weeks and threescore and two weeks" of Daniel end "The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" at John's baptism, which commenced the last week of the 70 In "the Half of the Week" - khatzi hasshahvua - Jesus manifested to Israel by immersion is Jordan, being about 30 years of age In the Second Half of the Week "He does cures today and tomorrow, and the third He is perfected," having been "cut off" previouly by crucifixion |
Rollin " " " " " " 1 Macc. 1, 7; Rollin 1 Macc. 1:10; Rollin Rollin " " " " " " 1 Macc. 2:66,70 1 Macc. 6:16 1 Macc. 6:17; 7:1-4 1 Macc. 10:50,57 1 Macc. 8:1; . . . Dan 11:34 Luke 2:42 Dan 9:25 Mark 1:1 Luke 3:23 Luke 13:32; . . . Dan 9:26 |
456 427 408 365 342 340 334 327 315 284 265 250 230 227 191 179 170 167 165 153 148 130 126 99 95 71 67 65 41 39 0 12AD 30AD 33AD |
The Decree of Phocas.
The authorities for the statement, that Phocas confirmed the supremacy of the Roman See, and thereby constituted the Bishop of Rome the Spiritual Chief of All Churches, are Paul the Deacon, and ANASTASIUS in his Ecclesiastical History of the A.D. 606. The latter observes: "This (Boniface III.) obtained from Phocas the Prince, that the Apostolical See of the Blessed Apostle Peter should be Head of All Churches; because the Constantinopolitan church had written that she is the first of all the churches.
Gordon and Baronius date Phocas' decree A.D. 606; Muratori, A.D. 607. In 608, he gave the Pantheon to the Pope; a temple originally dedicated to Cybele and all the gods. The Pope rededicated it to the Virgin and all the Martyrs -- the gods and goddesses of the Catholic superstition.
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