Chronikon Hebraikon - The World's Age Scriptually Demonstrated
Ninth Period - From the Crucifixion to the End of the Evening-Morning Period of 2400 Years.
Embraces 1827 Years
A.M. | Names and Events | Years | A.D. |
4123 4160 4187 4402 4413 4414 4426 4620 4620 4721 5021 5151 5542 5661 5774 5879 5911 5950 |
The "cutting off of Messiah the Prince" by crucifixion inflicted by the Little Horn of the Goat, in which he was "given for a covenant of the people" (Isa. 42:6; 49:8); and believers were "caused to cease sacrificing and offering" The forty years ensuing are styled in Scripture, all the days until the end of the aeon (Matt. 28:20); very incorrectly rendered in the English version "Alway, even unto the end of the world." These years are "the last days" of Heb. 1:2, James 5:3, and 2 Tim. 3:1, and "the end of the world" of Heb. 9:26 and 1 Cor. 10:11. The AEon, of which these years were the last days, was the Mosaic Course constituted by the law, which had "waxed old and was ready to vanish away" (Heb. 8:13). These last days of the Mosaic AEON (Tit. 1:2) are familiarly styled the Apostolic Age: the events of which, worthy of being remembered, are recorded in all the New Testament, except the Apocalypse. "The Daily taken away and the place of his sanctuary cast down", by "an army being given against the Daily because of trangression." The people of Messiah the Prince, styled in Matt. 22:7, "the King's armies," sent forth to destroy the city and sanctuary. These armies were "the host given to the Little Horn of the Goat," or "king of fierce countenance," by which "he cast down to the ground the truth," in its Mosaic representation (Dan. 8:11,12,23; 9:26). Referring to this destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Roman Little Horn, Jesus said, "Of that day and hour knoweth no man - no, not the angels who are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father" (Mark 13:32). Forty years afterwards, however, history recorded the event as having transpired. *** "The Vulgar, or Christian Era, symbolized by A.D. was not fully settled till the year 527, when Dionysius Exiguus, a Romish abbot, fixed it to the 4713th year of the Julian period, which was four years too late. It is, however, now so generally received that this gross error in calculation is but seldom regarded." According to this, four years should be added to all the dates of the Vulgar Era for the true A.D. denomination. The Apocalypse communicated to the apostle John while an exile in Patmos, about The "One Body," apocalyptically symbolized by a woman, pregnant during a "set time" of 280 years from Pentecost, AD 33. during this symbolical gestation she advances into the perid of the sixth seal, when she is delivered of the Man Child of Sin, who is caught up by the powe of the sword to the throne of Deity, or supreme government of the world. He founds the despotism styled "Church and State," which thenceforth rules all the nations of Daniel's Fourth Beast with a rod of iron (Rev. 12:5). "Silence in the (Catholic) heaven about half-an-hour The Constantinian or Laodicean Pentecost, styled the Council of Nice The silence in the heaven ends at the death of Constantine The Daily having been abolished when the place of its sanctuary was destroyed A.D. 70, the time is now arrived after an interval of 460 years "to set up an abomination making desolate" the Holy Land; which is to continue 1,290 years; or, "to the outpouring of that determined upon the Desolator" (Dan. 12:11; 9:27). In the Justinian epoch, Noushirvan invades the land of Israel. Antioch is taken, and its inhabitants tranlated to the banks of the Tigris. The wars were long and desolating, and continued through the reigns of Justinian, Justin, and Tiberius. Syria was reduced, and the Persian standards advanced to the shores of the Mediterranean. Beginning also of the 1,335 years, which extend to "the time of the dead," when Daniel and John "arise to their inheritance" (Dan. 12:12,13) After a gestation of 280 years from the Council of Nice, A.D. 325, the "Great Harlot" gives birth to "the God of the Earth," who, in the Phocan epoch, is fully "revealed" in Rome (Dan. 11:36-39) Beginning of the "time, times, and dividing of time" when the saints were imperially "given into the hand" of the Episcopal Mouth of the Little Horn by the Civil Power (Dan. 7:25). These "times" are identical with the 42 months of Rev. 11:2; 13:5, in the Phocan epoch Beginning of the "time, times, and a half" sworn to by the "Man clothed in linen" (Dan. 12:7); and by the Rainbowed Angel also swearing that the "time shall be no longer" (Rev. 10:6), which personages are identical Beginning of the first period of "five months" Saracenic tormentation of the unsealed (Rev. 9:4-6). Ending of the second period of "five months" signalized by the fall of the Caliphs Beginning of "the hour and day and month and year," or 391 years and 30 days, appropriated to the subversion of the Greek Catholic Imperial Third of the Roman Orb (Rev. 9:15). End of the 391 years and 30 days, signalized by the capture of Constantinople by the Turks The St. Bartholomew Massacre, which signalizes the finishing of the testifying of the witnesses before the Serpent and the God of the earth, at the end of "a time, times, and half-a-time," or 1260 years (Rev. 11:3; 12:6,14,17); and the making war upon them by the Beast The witnesses conquered by the Beast and "killed" (Dan. 7:21; Rev. 11:7; 13:7) The witnesses remain unburied corpses in the Breadth of the Great City "three days and a half", lunar time; at the end of which political life enters into them, and they ascend to power, 1,260 years from the Justinian epoch End of the 1,290 years desolating abomination, signalized by the beginning of the outpouring of "that determined upon the Desolator" of the Holy Land, in the Greek Revolution End of the Evening-Morning period, 2,400 years from "the third year of Cyrus"; notably signalized by the immediately succeeding hexennial epoch of the American Civil, the Franco-Mexican, the Russo-Polish and the Austro-Prussian Danish wars; with pestilence, financial perplexity, and the ominous Roman Question Whole number of years from the crucifixion to the end of the 2400 |
. . . 37 28 215 11 1 12 194 75 . . . . . . 26 300 130 391 119 113 105 32 38 1827 |
33 70 98 313 324 325 337 531 531 606 604-8 604-8 682 982 1062 1453 1572 1685 1789 1821 1860 |
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