"But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD" (Numbers 14:21).
Our Outreach Activities
Bible Correspondence Course
We are actively involved in the Bible Correspondence Course associated with the biblequizzes.com web site.
In order to assist our members who are acting as tutors, links to the study materials are given below.
- Introduction Letter
- Lesson 1 - booklet, worksheet "The Miracle of the Bible"
- Lesson 2 - booklet, worksheet "Getting to Know God"
- Lesson 3 - booklet, worksheet "Israel: God's People, God's Land"
- Lesson 4 - booklet, worksheet "Your Share in God's Promises"
- Lesson 5 - booklet, worksheet "After Death - What?"
- Lesson 6 - booklet, worksheet "The Cross of Christ"
- Lesson 7 - booklet, worksheet "The Kingdom of God on Earth"
- Lesson 8 - booklet, worksheet "Why Baptism really matters"
- Lesson 9 - booklet, worksheet "Who are the Christadelphians"
- Follow-up Letter (generic) (specific)
- Conversion
- Satan in the Old Testament
- Satan in the New Testament
Note: For these lessons to print correctly, the fonts Futura Light, Futura Bold, and Staccato 222 need to be installed on your computer.
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This page is maintained by Scott Stewart of the San Francisco Christadelphian Ecclesia.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please e-mail me at scott@christadelphia.org